On 2nd July, we (Kartik Agarwala (hax0kartik) and I) reported a stack overflow issue on rust-miniscript to Andrew Poelstra. We discovered that rust-miniscript could stack overflow when parsing a miniscript from a string due to a recursion. From our conversations, the reason was that the constant MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH was not being applied to prefix combinators like n:. It means the parser would take these “large” miniscripts and (iteratively) construct a tree with a very high depth. Then, this will stack overflow when doing any recursive operation. All the miniscript websites that help visualize/parse miniscript using rust-miniscript could crash with this input.

Affects: rust-miniscript 9, 10, 11 and 12.

How did we find it?

TL;DR: Fuzzing

Bitcoinfuzz is a project that applies differential fuzzing in Bitcoin implementations and libraries. One of the targets does differential fuzzing with rust-miniscript and Bitcoin Core for parsing a miniscript from a string. So far, it found some bugs and has been helpful.

However, bitcoinfuzz had only support for libfuzzer and, at some point, Kartik suggested using some structures from Bitcoin Core to add support for more fuzzers in bitcoinfuzz. So, we started using bitcoinfuzz with AFL and, even fuzzing for a long time with libfuzzer, this bug was found in a few minutes with AFL. Just luck? We don’t know haha.

Why the issue was not discovered before?

Both rust-bitcoin and rust-miniscript support fuzzing. Also, rust-miniscript has two targets called roundtrip_miniscript_str and roundtrip_miniscript_script which should be able to find this. However, the effectiveness of fuzzing depends on large campaigns, that is why it is important that both projects are continually fuzzed.


07/02/2024 - Reported the issue to Andrew Poelstra via e-mail.
07/02/2024 - Andrew confirmed the issue and cc’ed Sanket.
07/08/2024 - Sanket reproduced the issue and opened a PR addressing it.
07/08/2024 - I tested and confirmed the fix.
07/18/2024 - Andrew discovered that the issue could also affect parsing Miniscripts from Script.
07/18/2024 - Sanket started working on a fix for it.
07/20/2024 - Sanket opened a PR addressing it.
08/06/2024 - I verified that all fixes were backported. Andrew and Sanket confirmed this, and we proceeded to have a CVE.

Responsible Disclosure

We have found MANY bugs with bitcoinfuzz, and we have carefully analyzed all of them to know what is just a simple bug and what could be something more critical. Critical bugs/vulnerabilities have been reported to the according project team.


I would like to first thank Kartik Agarwala for working with me on this project. Kartik is a Summer of Bitcoin intern and he has done a brillant work. Also, thanks Andrew and Sanket for the cooperation on it and other cases.

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